What does it take? Who do you have to be
to develop under these circumstances?
Mark Morey, Founder of Connected Leader
Learn to Thrive on Demand
October 24 - 28 2021.
Cost: $79 per person
Sunday to Thursday, 15-30 mins a day
Plus a Live Leadership Development Call
Don’t Let Change and Uncertainty Steal Your Well-being
Getting angry, frustrated, or stuck in moods?
Overwhelmed by the state of the world?
Feeling isolated and disconnected working from home?
Feeling anxious and worried about the future?
Struggling with parenting decisions?
You want to lead but feeling ungrounded and distracted?
Learn more below…
“I was just going through recent life like a freight train. This course forced reflection, questioning of where I was focusing my thoughts, patience and a true appreciation of nature- in a way that I didn’t realize I wasn’t appreciating it before. I feel like I have not only made new connections with people, but have a better understanding of how to make better connections in future. I am grateful for this entire experience- I feel more at peace and centered.”

To develop vigorously well
Let’s evolve upwards under these challenges by drawing on
what has brought resilience to human communities over millennia.
I’m here to share with you many ways to build capacity and agency to thrive.
Make sense of complexity with easy to learn skills
Discover fresh perspectives on challenging problems
Awaken personal agency to make a difference
Feel grounded and confident in times of uncertainty
Reclaim hope and vitality on demand
Now is the
time to rise.
We’re in unprecedented times that call for digging into our roots, our humanity, and reconnect with what is important and meaningful.
For 25 years I’ve been asking the deep questions about what it means to be human and develop meaningful lives as families, communities and workplaces. I’ve been guiding parents, leaders and organizations to develop deep and lasting practices of connection that affirm life.
Through Thrive on Demand I’m ready to help guide you too.

What I believe is that we are all built for connections—to culture, community, each other, and to ourselves. Without those connections we underperform and when well developed, we thrive. I've been examining the inner and outer workings of these connections through the lens of nature, culture and leadership for most of my life.
Meet Mark:
Founder of A Connected Leader, Mark works with executives and leaders with fiscal agency who are seeking enduring transformation of company culture. As a human-connection specialist, he designs human development programs, shifting workplaces from isolation to human connection.
He has been speaking for the past year on the social crises at hand, and the process of transforming issues of loneliness and burnout into thriving workplaces of innovation. His work has taken him into NIKE and Google this past year.
For the last 30 years Mark has been a national leadership mentor in the movement to reconnect humanity to the natural world so that we remember our original instructions and role in regenerating healthy living systems.
“At Envisage, we brought in Mark to train our group because we know the benefits of nature related to well-being, and nature is a good proxy for a system that needs to respond to a change.
It felt awkward to start or end a business meeting with gratitude before Mark helped us understand how to start the conversation. It is always surprising the personal depth that people will share and how much bonding gratitude creates.
Mark worked with us to craft a program that focused on growing talent through curiosity, teaching a common language for problem-solving and drawing parallels between nature and the workplace to help our fast-growing company adapt. ”

What it is and how it works
Join a private whatsapp group and Receive an audio/text prompt once a day
this invitation will arrive in the morning approx 8:30am Eastern each day.
Optional investment: 15min - 45min a day of engaging invitations to complete on your own time
5-days of engaging invitations of nature Connection, gratitude and reflection.
contribute reflections in small whatsapp cohorts and feel the support of a community of practice
In addition to the daily prompts, there will be a live zoom call on thursday Oct. 28, consciously engaging in reflection about what you are learning and applying insights to important areas of your life.
zoom call time: 12:00 - 1:30pm Eastern, 10/28
Customize this experience for your workplace by creating a cross functional team cohort or a working team cohort in groups of 10, at any scale.
If you like Thrive on Demand for engaging your employees you will like the follow up courses that we offer in long term engagements.
Dates: Oct. 24-28 2021
Sunday - Thursday
Next Step:
start developing your self now. register below and get started with a valuable video on how to begin practices of connection right away.
“I was a reactive leader without purpose who was also going through a significant life event that caused a great deal of anxiety. I was working hard without much feedback or direction. Through A Connected Leader,I took back control of my personal and work life while also building a deeper understanding of my peers and of our connections with nature. I gained confidence, focus, and became more intentional. Finally, my empathy for my peers and my employees took on new meaning. I feel more connected to them and feel like I know them better than ever. ”

You may be asking yourself, what if I don’t have time?
What if I’m too overwhelmed?
What if I’m not thankful for anything?
I understand the concerns. I encourage participants to be kind to themselves as the first act of grace.
There is no judgement about how much or little you participate, Each day you get to start again, that’s what counts.