to Self
Connection to Others
Connection to Nature
Mentoring is different than teaching and different from coaching. All three are powerful aspects of personal development. Mentoring is the least understood and least developed in leadership. Most people, when they are asked about their quiet longings, reveal the dream of having a mentor, a person committed to their potential, to their future unknown. It's uncommon to find a mentor because mentoring comes with a value system that is long-term, relational and comfortable with the unknown. Mark's process includes engaging open-ended questions that provoke new thinking. Combined with an uncanny deep listening for the unspoken, mentoring with Mark will bring you to the edge of your current personal development. This is the definition of regenerative leadership; being the change you wish to see in the world. Take a small step and send me a note about what you would like to see and what your current challenges are. Click the black box above to learn more.