Change Agent Community




change agent community





Regenerative Leadership

Nature, Culture, Leader, is a three term framework that acknowledges three parts of a complex, regenerative whole system. There is plenty to say about what's missing for health and wellness for people. Building a robust system that generates a surplus of connection requires a complex framework for thinking about change. In general, healing is about bringing separated parts into the whole. People thrive when they have connection. Addiction is now considered a disease of disconnection vs a habit formed from a powerful substance. When connections are formed with nature, between people, along with a deeper sense of one's purpose and gifts, addictive behaviors fade away. As a change agent, these three approaches are very powerful when considered part of a whole process.  Nature Connection is the ongoing practice of being in nature with a mentor, remembering your original birthright of belonging to place. Cultural Mentoring is the art of facilitating the invisible bonds in culture that is the origin of humanity's guidance system. Regenerative Leadership is the ongoing commitment to 'teach someone how to fish' so that they can not only 'eat for a life time', but they regenerate Regenerative Leaders who do the same. 

If this speaks your language, if you see the writing on the wall that we are no longer in business as usual, that we need to design from another potential than the paradigm that got us here, then send us your interest in joining the next cohort of Change Makers. Click the black box above.