I work with individuals and organizations to develop capacity, curiosity, and connection. These are the things that build a high performing team in a complex environment and changing world.
"Ok, I'm intrigued, now what?" is a good next question. Below are 3 specific ways to engage with me and start improving yourself, your connections, and your organization, but don't hesitate to simply call and talk with me about what you feel your need is. I'm sure we can find or create something that will fit you.
One-on-one coaching
We are all trying to improve—to strive for better rather than "more." I've worked with individuals from C-suite executives to entrepreneurs to educators to seekers. Often when we consider what we need to grow, it's really helpful to have someone who is your ally, but who also can see you for all your complexity and purpose. That's the role I play: I ask and reframe, I listen and reflect back, I understand and guide forward.
Group engagement
All of us are working and living in a kind of stew we call culture. There is the big "C" Culture of peoples and nations, and the small "c" culture of our organizations. This culture both drives and reflects our values, so it can be vital to bring others along with us on our journey to better. I have worked with countless teams to examine, clarify, and invigorate their group dynamics in communication, mission, balance, and compassion.
Organizational transformation
An organization is a kind of organism that is trying to concurrently know itself and improve itself. Employees are nested with the whole. They drive innovation through motivation, by knowing the "why" of what they are doing. Engaged employees create engaged customers and I've been excited to develop programs and trainings to bring a whole-person approach to a whole-organization transformation.

WHO: Mark Morey
Here's a central truth: we are all built for connections—to culture, community, each other, and ourselves. I've been examining the inner-workings of these connections through the lens of the natural world for my entire life. You may not see how nature affects your daily work, but it does, whether or not you believe it.
Much of what eludes all of us can be found by placing ourselves in the quiet of nature with a guide who can show us a new way to see. This is what I've done for countless individuals as well as companies from large to small, traditional to progressive, software to human services—any organization that needs to find, hold, and amplify an uncommon level of excellence in all they do.
For the last 30 years I've been a national leader in the movement to reconnect humanity to the natural world. I've done this though several organizations that I've founded as well as international events in the Art of Mentoring.
I've now organized high-performance teams in a dozen US locations as well as Canada, England, Germany, Scotland, Austria and France. This work has taken me inside Google, Harvard, Telluride Venture Accelerator, Boston Startups, and the tech world.
You can fill out this form or email mark (at) aconnectedleader.com